Cheshire is mainly a rural county with 70% of the County’s land still remaining in agricultural production. In Cheshire East, nearly 30% of the Borough’s GDP comes from businesses operating in rural areas including its agricultural enterprises and farm-based operations.
Since the Covid-19 lock-down measures came into place, many of us have developed our own exercise routines and in the past 2 weeks, for residents living in or close to the rural areas of our Borough, it has been possible to observe spring lambs emerging from the farm birthing sheds; field management: ploughing, manuring, harrowing and planting. Already green shoots have emerged and farmers have been making the most of the recent good weather conditions to get as much of the land prepared after a difficult winter, where consistent heavy rain and flooding slowed progress.
However alongside the intensive agricultural activity, so too, Covid-19 has seen an unprecedented rise in the use of Public Rights of Way (PROW). As public parks and play areas have had to close, it is understandable that residents seek alternative green space to exercise and to escape the lock-down for that precious hour a day.
However a small minority are putting the safe use of our PROW under threat. In the south of the borough ‘professional’ dog walkers have accessed country park areas letting up to eight dogs off the lead at once. The lack of ‘reasonable control’ over so many animals has required increased police surveillance and intervention.
The failure of walkers to ‘pick up’ after their dogs is also resulting in high levels of dog faeces in areas where cattle, horses and sheep graze. Dog faeces causes a number of serious illnesses in farm animals including abortion. The casual dropping of litter is well-documented and again creates avoidable hazards to both farm animals and other wildlife.
Perhaps the greatest worry to human health has been that the popularity of certain routes has made it difficult to maintain the minimum 2m distances between people of different households and little or no care has been taken to minimise potential COVID-19 cross infection from stiles, kissing gates and gates.
This is a danger to walkers but importantly a significant hazard to the health of farmers and agricultural workers, especially when PROW cross through, or close to farm dwellings and farm buildings. Many members of farming families are themselves in the vulnerable groups and are finding it difficult to self-isolate in these conditions.
At a time when all our communities (urban and rural) are reliant on secure and reliable food supplies, it is incumbent on all of us to behave safely and responsibly when we access the countryside. Farming and food production workers are classified as essential workers in the current pandemic. They deserve our thanks and support as they continue to do all they can to ensure food production and supply continues during and importantly, after the pandemic is finally defeated.
Cheshire East Council: COVID-19 information for users of public rights of way:,_culture_and_tourism/public_rights_of_way/covid-19-and-public-rights-of-way.aspx
Cheshire Eat Council: COVID-19 information for landowners and property owners:,_culture_and_tourism/public_rights_of_way/covid-19-and-public-rights-of-way.aspx
NFU: Coronavirus: Advice for NFU members:
- Rural Stress Information Network
Telephone: 024 7641 2916
Opening Hours: Weekdays 9am -5pm - THE FARMING COMMUNITY NETWORK: To speak to someone: 03000 011 1999 Non-urgent enquiries: Telephone: 0845 367 9990 Email: [email protected]
Author: Cllr Janet Clowes