Conservative Cheshire East wins ‘Best Practice’ Award for its partnership work delivering the Crewe Green Roundabout
Cllr Don Stockton (Cabinet Member: Environment) stated today;
“I am delighted to state that Conservative Cheshire East is leading the way with award winning schemes that are radically improving connectivity across the Borough. We welcome the recognition from the Chartered Institute for Highways and Transportation which has awarded Cheshire East their coveted ‘Best Practice’ Award for the Crewe Green roundabout.
This project has significantly reduced congestion at this previously notorious pinch point, creating what is now a free flowing junction improving connectivity for road users across this part of the Borough and to the wider road and motorway networks. Cheshire East Conservatives have an ambitious program of infrastructure investment and are now focused on the delivery of that program. This will lay the foundations for significant sustainable growth across the borough.
Crewe Green roundabout is the first of these planned schemes to be delivered since adoption of the Local Plan. It was delivered in partnership with Balfour Beatty, Jacobs and with direct input from the local Community. The roundabout will reduce travel times thus improving local economic performance and further increasing significant employment opportunities for our residents.
We have already commenced our next scheme; the Congleton Relief Road. The first works were celebrated in March and we look forward to its future contribution to our more integrated highways network”.
(Picture: Crewe Green Roundabout: South side)